We all have our problems;
which end up with Empty Beds.
Partners with thick skulls
that do not take heed.
Talk, talk is cheap. No one listening
To the others needs
Too wrapped in their own emotions
which ends up in empty beds,
We give up in despair, cry and scream
We shake our tired, be muddled heads
and finally have no option but to move on.
which end up with Empty Beds.
Partners with thick skulls
that do not take heed.
Talk, talk is cheap. No one listening
To the others needs
Too wrapped in their own emotions
which ends up in empty beds,
We give up in despair, cry and scream
We shake our tired, be muddled heads
and finally have no option but to move on.
Basically it's about lack of communication. One talking the other nodding their heads and not listening to the other's needs. Life is far too short to live with Misery. No use hitting your head against a Brick wall at Mid-life. How much time have we got left? What have we done but wasted time and been taken for granted. Its time to move on