Friday, June 12, 2009

The Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ

He was taken and cruelly crucified
on top of the Calvary Hill
Where his blood flowed to save us from
sin. I remember it well.
I was just a small fair-haired, scruffy lad
then, not quite seven
He was screaming in pain and was crying
for his Father in Heaven.
I'd overheard my elderly parents talking,
while feeding my old hen
They'd said "That he was a good man
who did miracles on men.
A fine, caring, handsome gentle man who
was clean living and tall.
He attended Solomon's Temple, a practising
Jew of the Torah and all."
He always spoke to the crowds in Parables
to help explain God's Law
and telling us "That if we carried them out
Heaven was an open door."
Once when the people were hungry he fed
them on some bread and fish
He told his disciples that there was enough
for a thousand on that dish.
One day at Lake Galilee, his faith was strong
enough to walk on water.
People believed in him when he healed a Leper
and someones daughter.
He had many followers, but his special friends
all men that numbered twelve
for there were many witnesses in the crowd
with whose mind he delved.
He loved small children and he made friends
with a Martha and Mary,
We all sang and danced for the Lord as he
was always happy and merry.
On many occasions he performed miracles
but that's another long story
but as a very young fair-haired lad I witness
his death and it was gory.

The Judgement.

I was at the old market place with my mother's
old goat cheese selling
It was there when I heard an angry crowd
loudly teasing and yelling
I curiously walked over to the people and
on tip toe I tried to peek
where I saw that it was this gentle fellow
Jew that they did seek.
He was stumbling about and his poor thorn
crowned head was bleeding,
his hands were bound and around his
neck a hemp rope was leading
to a courtyard of the Roman Governor,
the soldiers were him dragging,
there I witnessed the jealous Sadducee's
and Jewish Leaders bragging.
Towards the marble Palace of the Roman
Pontius Pilate they took him
.An angry Pilate washed his hands as he
found him wanting and was grim
bewildered he handed him over to the yelling
crowd for them to choose
and the crowd were swayed and picked the
rebel Barabbas to be loose.
They spat on the gentle Jewish friend and
with the whip they did flog,
There I stood crying as I watched them
beat him hard like a poor dog.
I could not understand why they hated him
for he had done no wrong
but I was pushed aside and struggled to stay
amongst that moving throng.
He was bleeding and staggering about
with the rough wooden cross
then a big African stepped forward and
took over as if he was a Boss
to help relieve this suffering, quiet gentle
man of this terrible burden.
On the cobbled Way the angry people
still were jeering, making a din,
He walked with his sad, kind eyes glanced
down, not a word he spoke
so deep in thought oblivious to the words
of the people who did gloat
with bleeding sore feet he reached the Calvary
Hill where people died.
Then Simon Cyrene lay the cross down on
which our friend was tied
He quietly winced in pain as the rusty metal
nails were roughly driven
into his palms of his hands and the arches of
his feet, no mercy given.
I sobbed and called my friend's name out
loud, for I was that child
whom he gathered to sit on his knee and
had called meek and mild.

The Crucifixion

To lift the heavy rugged wooden cross
it took Roman soldiers four
there they placed him between the two
men who had broken the Law.
This forgiving man spoke to the two dangerous
criminals at his very side
then he prayed to his Father and the Angels
in heaven until he died.
At the bottom of the cross his Mother
Mary stood there quietly crying
with his aunt and Mary Magdalene, she
watched her son up there dying.
The armoured Roman soldiers were
crouched by the bonfires gambling
for my friend's woolen robe and leather
sandals. Drunk and rambling.
Suddenly, some strange and frightening
things in the sky began to happen
and I became so scared and with my
knees knocking and my body shaken
I was too frightened to move, for my
skinny legs were paralysed with fright
for the clouds gathered and began to
thunder as the day turned to night.
The red earth became alive and began
to dance, to shudder, toss and turn
then the rocks were split in two and the
tall trees began to sway and churn.
Bewildered people were filled with horror
and began to scream and run
to tell you the truth it was extremely
frightening and was not much fun.
People claimed to see the Ghosts of
Prophets come from their graves
and walk on the cobbled streets but
not me I ran and hid in the caves.
When the earth stood still, I ran as
fast as I could, on home to mum
to tell her that Christ had been crucified
and to death he had succumb.
His followers asked Pilate if they could
bury Jesus Christ and they did
In their Jewish way, but in a borrowed
cold tomb with a heavy stone lid.
but three days and nights later, the tomb
was empty as he had foretold
just like the old testament, another testament
with new stories will unfold.
His remaining disciples said, "That Jesus
Christ had conquered death
and he had entered their room appearing
to them all, with living breath."
He continued to perform many other
miracles but that is another story
but when I was a small child, I witnessed
his death and it was very gory.

by B.A.C.

1 comment:

  1. A Ballard is always long. Not that I am a Shakespeare but that is how stories were told in ages past. No matter how long it took it was how it was told that counts
