Thursday, April 14, 2011

Saviour part 5

Christ was tortured and to Pilate was taken
"Viva Barrabas," the crowd cried.
Pontuis Pilate washed his hands of the crime
And Jesus was given to be crucified.

Jesus struggled with his heavy wooden cross
And St Veronica handkerchief his sweated brow,
( from Catholic Doctrine)
Then the Simon of Cyrene carried the cross
Up the cobbled path, towards the hilly brow.

Two other ragged men with him were crucified
at the top of that dreaded Calvary Hill
One was a murderer...... the other was a thief
But this was the rioting crowd's will.

He thirst and was given a sponge of sour vinegar
And forgave the repentant man on his side.
He prayed to his father, while the soldiers watched
And he kept praying quietly....... until he died.

Silently his followers and loyal disciples watched
And they prayed for his spirit to be taken.
With a sign of I.N.R.I above his crown of thorns
Jesus cried," Father, why am I forsaken."

There on the rugged, wooden cross, Jesus died
Christ, The King of the Jews died for us
The Roman soldier's spear pierced his side
To make sure for they did..... not trust.

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