Explanation = Everyone needs to be loved. Have self esteem and worth. The young and old. Babies die without love; from the lack of comfort and human physical contact. i.e Marilyn Monroe was a good example. A child of abuse she sort approval in the wrong areas. We don't like to be ignored just appreciated and encouraged now and then. Parents be so careful what you say and do to a innocent, vulnerable child a small human being. We will act in the end the same as a mistreated animal will. We may bite the hand that feds us. Show love and love is returned, retaliate and you will get that back ten fold. Before you judge a person walk fifty miles in their shoes, don't judge until you understand what is lying underneath their soul. After all we are the blood of our ancestors, they handed on their ways; habits and genes to mold us. Maybe the sins of their fathers.
Oh my tortured soul my heart cries out
But the Lord doesn't hear me.
My tears flow fast and my lungs scream out
With constant pain.
My spirit is torn with savage grief.
Oh God in heaven
Why are you doing this to me?
My laughter is forced
The humours of my friends keep me sane.
All I want is love and comfort,
Happiness eludes me so
For forty -six years.
My father's lies have robbed me of my life.
Oh God in heaven forgive me.
Spirits of the dead grant me my peace.
May the angels cradle my head
And dry my weeping eyes.
Oh Lord, when will all this sadness end?
When I die I want to sleep in my lover's arms forever
Or will my ashes be scattered by the savage wind.
As my soul and heart have been all my adult years?
My life has been in living Hell
This earth has lost all its glory.
I escape every minute by occupying my time
So my brain doesn't have to dwell
On the sadness that surrounds me.
Fate has been so bitter and cruel
Life isn't what you make it.
It is handed to you sight unseen.
I curse the test that I have been dealt.
The tragedy of this forsaken life,
The mistakes that I have made.
Time will not be turned back.
How I wish dearly it could be.
Oh God in heaven listen to me,
Not just hear me. Listen.
My heart is so heavy, my esteem is shattered.
God grant me my peace, calm my soul
Haven't I done my penance?
Give me my love and desire!
Forgive me.
Some people hurt more sensitive and are hurt to the quick by others actions and words. Scarring them for life.