This is a tale of a woman who loved her man;
The hurt and sadness of her years disappeared.
She learnt to trust in his love and her instincts.
He taught her to love; care and trust him again
Wild passion they shared;was it but all a sham.
Age meant nothing: they were back in their youth
His dark eyes glowed with tender love and desire,
They walked in silence, holding hands along the beach
The years had rolled back to another time and era.
They shared much in common. All she wanted was the truth!
Now she learnt that "I love you"; meant I bed you.
"Promise" is a word for "maybe" and to be broke
"May God Bless you" is as close to as I curse you.
Honour, isn't in the vocabulary. Has no explanation
To trust God! Trust in what? Whfff! Him? A joke.
When she was waiting for the bubble to burst. Faith.
"I'm sorry," is a word used so often. Used for Pardon.
Should be said face to face and eye to eye. Not Text.
Dreams are made to be shattered. Hope to dashed.
Life has no worth, He took away her dreams and hope.
Shania's song of "From the moment," had meaning of
Words and tune. "I close my eyes," has memories too.
Lies and deceit she had a life time of. Interference!
She will never trust again empty words of tapes and texts.
Of" Haven't I proved that to you?" So many wasted years.
Promised letters of explanation, she has yet to receive.
He will not take from her the happiest of years ever.
She still believes in his love for her. Time cannot destroy
What they lost in their youth and gained with wisdom of age.
Both have experienced disappointment, regret and deceit
So, so sad and tragic. Parents let your children make their own mistakes.You can not live their lives for them. So many years of hurt to follow from interference of others. Think before you destroy other peoples lifes because you want revenge or from greed