The wise old Prophets had foretold it well
that on this earth a good King shall dwell,
A birth of the Son of God from High Above
would be born to fill this earth with love.
Many, many years ago one dark night
a large star did shine so blinding bright
for mother Mary had on a donkey rode
to shelter in a rough stable for her abode.
There, that same night she did give birth
and delivered the son of man to this earth
in white swaddling cloth a babe so small
who would help bring love and hope to all.
The Magi
We, three wise Magi from the far East
are travelling on camels far to the west
We are learned astrologers you may know
and we have long been following that glow.
We have to travel late into the dark night
so we can follow that glorious bright light
towards David's city we followed that star
from Chaldea ....we have traveled this far.
We do know where the bright light may go
for there is a new baby King born so low
so small and pure just new from his birth
he has come to save us from eternal death.
We three, have bought many gifts of love
to present to the Son of God from above.
A gift of gold which does befit a true King
whose throne is located where the angels sing
Some Arabian frankincense that suits a God
who will rule the new earth with an iron rod.
For an immortal, gifts of sweet smelling myrrh
to adorn a just and wise King who'll reign demur.
The Shepherds
That night was so cold and bonfires were lit
We had all gathered around to eat and sit
there with our sheep and goats herded in tight
when we saw that star shining high and bright.
The dark night was so silent and so very still
that the hairs on our neck stood up with chill
I started to shiver as the nightingale took wing
for I was certain that I had heard an Angel sing.
In the distance, shadows of three camels appeared
"Far too small for a travelling caravan," Isaac said.
"It is a very strange time to be traveling so late!"
exclaimed old Jacob as he ate from his clay plate.
The Three Wise Men
The three strangers rode their camels in nearer
closer to the fire which made their faces clearer.
"We have been traveling some long distance afar
for we have followed at night the Heralding Star.
It rests over the Inn Keeper's stable filled with hay
which he lends out to poor people who cannot pay."
The three men nodded and parted into the dark night
and we curiously followed to see what was in sight.
On reaching the old Innkeepers's hay filled stable
I crept closer to the window to see what I was able.
So between the old shepherd's bow legs I did peep
to see a young woman and babe surrounded by sheep.
So peaceful and calm, it was so wondrous to behold
and now it has become a greatest story ever told;
for from this humble birth of a babe with all it's glory
which has been foretold in Isaiah and Daniel's story
with Mag; Shepherds and Angels in lowly birth
he came from heaven above to die for us on Earth.